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The difference
you make
by reading

Read as much as you can this August to make a difference to Aussie families living with MS 


There are thousands of families living with MS in Australia. You can find out more about MS and the impact it can have on their lives. 

All funds raised from the MS Readathon will help fund vital support and services, which include residential and in-home care, speech therapy and physio, camps, fun days and resources for kids. MS Family Fun Days are in huge demand, for these families it is a rare chance to have a fun time with all the care and support their family needs.

MS Readathon kids reading with their mum

Liana loves reading!

'I have been involved for 4 years and raised almost $5,000'

It is so much fun reading books.  Last year I read 40 books. That would have been much higher if my mum didnt make me go to sleep at night.

You can read almost anywhere . . . . in the car, while shopping, on the tram, at restaurants and in bed.  I even read while I am waiting for my swimming lessons.

We have family and friends that have MS and this is why I know it is so important to read as many books as I can and raise lots of money to help others.

If everyone does a little bit, it can make a BIG difference.

Hi, I am Belle, and this is Theo!

My mum was diagnosed with MS just after her and daddy got married!

Last year we had an empty bookcase. We put all the books we read in it and mum would video my updates.

MS Readathon supports people living with MS in every state and territory of Australia.
'I love reading, and it's nice to help lots of families have fun together and learn about MS.'

It's Poppy here!

I’m four years old, and I’m soooo excited to do the MS Readathon! 

My mum’s helping me write this. She has MS. 

Mum says MS is like a mouse nibbling at the electric cables connecting her brain and body.

There are thousands of people living with MS in Australia. And our family does lots of things to try and help them. . . We’ve done the MS Walk and the MS Fun Run in Melbourne…but our FAVOURITE thing is the MS Readathon!

Mum used to do the MS Readathon when she was little, and now we all do it together as a family! 

By joining us in the MS Readathon this year, you can help people like mum. And you can help families have fun times together at MS Family Fun Days. 

I hope  you will join me and my brother Oliver!

Tate and Sophia are doing it for mum. 

Rachel is the mum of two beautiful children, Tate and Sophia and has had MS for 18 years. Because of her MS, Rachel experiences fatigue, vertigo, and numbness, and other challenges.

Rachel and her husband are so grateful for the help their family receives through MS Queensland thanks to wonderful supporters like you!

“I'm able to do so many things I was told I'd never be able to do... I owe so much of this to my amazing friends, family and the MS team”, says Rachel.