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Patrick & Samuel's MS Reading Odyssey

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Patrick & Samuel are going to have a big August reading odyssey!

This is their first ever MS Readathon challenge! This is a cause that is dear to us so we would love it if you can please support their goal to raise $500 and they will do their very best to read 40 books between them in a month!

We've read 40 books

Our Avatars

Patrick Dunbar

Samuel Dunbar

Thank you to our Sponsors


Jason Cramer

Good job boys!


Julie Dunbar

So proud of Patrick & Samuel love Nana & Gramps xx



Great work boys!!


Luke Quarrell

We’ll done Boys


Janine Quarrell


The Fitters X

Great job Patrick and Samuel x


Nick Schultz

Go boys. Make sure there's some Dog Man in there!




Facebook Donation


Melanie Dunbar

Boys that read are the best kind of boys. Boys that raise money for MS are the greatest 🩵💙


Facebook Donation


Coach Kristy

Well done Pat and Samuel! Enjoy all those fantastic books.


Nathan Booth

Good luck Patrick and Samuel!


Melanie King

I did this readathon a few times when I was a kid! Hope you have as much fun as I did raising money for this important cause!!



Well done Patrick and Samuel!


Amitee Goulton

Happy reading! Let me know if you want to borrow any books :)


Scott Kittelty



Great work boys!


Greg & Erin Dunbar


David Sneddon



Great job Patrick and Samuel!! xox